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Garrido L. Hierarchical Region Based Processing of Images and Video Sequences: Application to Filtering, Segmentation and Information Retrieval. Salembier P. Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC); 2002.
Manjunath BS, Salembier P, Sikora T. Introduction to the mpeg-7: multimedia content description interface. Wiley; 2002.
Giró-i-Nieto X, Marqués F, Marcello J, Eugenio F. MPEG-7 Descriptors for Earth Observation Satellites. In International Astronautical Congress. Houston, Texas (USA): Inernational Astronautical Federation; 2002. pp. 1–4.  (267.36 KB)
Marqués F, Pardàs M, Morros JR. Object matching based on partition information. In IEEE International Conference on Image Processing. 2002. pp. 829–832.  (317.46 KB)
Mech R, Marqués F. Objective evaluation criteria for 2-D shape estimation results of moving objects. Eurasip Journal on Applied Signal Processing. 2002;2002:401–409.
Gasull A, Fábregas FX, Jiménez J, Marqués F, Moreno V, Herrero M. Oil Spills Detection in SAR Images using Mathematical Morphology. In 11th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO 2002). 2002. pp. 25–28.
Salembier P, Smith J. Overview of MPEG-7 multimedia description schemes and schema tools. In Introduction to the mpeg-7: multimedia content description interface. B. S. Manjunath, P. Salembier, T. Sikora (Eds.). Wiley; 2002. pp. 83–94.
Salembier P. Overview of the MPEG-7 Standard and of Future Challenges for Visual Information Analysis. EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing. 2002;4:1–11.  (415.4 KB)
Sayrol E, Gasull A, Moreno A, Salavedra J, Vallverdu F. Senyals i sistemes analògics: una introducció pràctica. 2002.
Avaro O, Salembier P. Systems Architecture. In Introduction to the mpeg-7: multimedia content description interface. B. S. Manjunath, P. Salembier, T. Sikora (Eds.). Wiley; 2002. pp. 33–42.
Salembier P, Llach J, Garrido L. Visual Segment Tree Creation for MPEG-7 Description Schemes. Pattern recognition. 2002;35:563–579.  (1.14 MB)
Casas J, Kompatsiaris I, Strintzis M. Advanced content-based semantic scene analysis and information retrieval: the Schema Project. In 4th European Workshop on Image Analysis for Multimedia Interactive Services_x000D_. 2003. pp. 43–45.
Llach J. Analysis of Video Sequences for Content Description. Table of Contents & Index Creation and Scene Classification. Salembier P. Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC); 2003.
Eugenio F, Marqués F. Automatic satellite image georeferencing using a contour matching approach. IEEE transactions on geoscience and remote sensing. 2003;41:2869–2880.
Eugenio F, Rovaris E, Marcello J, Marqués F. Automatic structures detection and spatial registration using multisensor satellite imagery. In Proceedings of the International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium,. 2003. pp. 1038–1040.
Giró-i-Nieto X, Marqués F. Detection of Semantic Entities using Description Graphs. In 4th European Workshop on Image Analysis for Multimedia Interactive Services (WIAMIS). London, England; 2003.  (223.48 KB)
Landabaso J-L, Pardàs M, Bonafonte A. HMM recognition of expressions in unrestrained video intervals. In International conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing. 2003. pp. 197–200.
Eugenio F, Marcello J, Marqués F. Marine coastal dynamic study using an automatic structure detection and spatial registration tool. In IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS-03). 2003. pp. 1–3.
Ruiz-Hidalgo J, Salembier P. Metadata-based coding tools for hybrid video codecs. In Picture Coding Symposium, PCS 2003. Saint-Malo, France; 2003. pp. 473–477.  (50.67 KB)
Acero LL, Aragón À, Giró-i-Nieto X, Prats X. The Moon Orbital Mirror. In 54th International Astronautical Congress (IAC). Bremen, Germany; 2003.
Ventosa S, Sayrol E, Vidal J. Perceptual mask estimation from watermarked images. In SPIE Electronic Imaging 2003. 2003. pp. 10–17.
O'Connor N, Sav S, Adamek T, Mezaris V, Kompatsiaris I, Lui T, et al.. Region and object segmentation algorithms in the QIMERA segmentation platform. In Third International Workshop on Content-Based Multimedia Indexing. 2003. pp. 95–103.
Giró-i-Nieto X, Marqués F. Semantic Entity Detection Using Description Graphs. In Digital Media Processing for Multimedia Interactive Services. Singapore: World Scientific Publishing Co.; 2003. pp. 39–42.  (516.62 KB)
Comas D, Singh R, Ortega A, Marqués F. Unbalanced multiple description video coding based on a rate-distortion optimization. Eurasip Journal on Applied Signal Processing. 2003;2003:81–90.
Avrithis Y, Stamou G, Wallace M, Marqués F, Salembier P, Giró-i-Nieto X, et al.. Unified access to heterogeneous audiovisual archives. In International Conference on Knowledge Management. Graz, Austria; 2003. pp. 1–2.
