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Conference Paper
Canton-Ferrer C, Canton-Ferrer C, Casas J, Pardàs M. Towards a bayesian approach to robust finding correspondances in multiple view geometry environments. In Workshop on Computer Graphics and Geometric Modelling. Intrernational Conference on Computational Science. 2005. pp. 281–289.
Canton-Ferrer C, Casas J, Pardàs M. Towards a low cost multi-camera marker based human motion capture system. In 16th International Conference on Image Processing. 2009. pp. 2581–2584.
Canton-Ferrer C, Casas J, Pardàs M. Towards a low cost multi-camera marker based human motion capture system. In 16th International Conference on Image Processing. 2009. pp. 2581–2584.
Duarte A, Camli G, Torres J, Giró-i-Nieto X. Towards Speech to Sign Language Translation. In ECCV 2018 Workshop on Shortcomings in Vision and Language. 2018.  (142.48 KB)
Casas J, Torres L, Gasull A. Una interpretación colorimétrica en clasificaciones fuzzy de imágenes de teledetección. In V Simposium Nacional de Reconocimiento de Formas y Análisis de Imágenes. 1992. pp. 281–287.
Combalia M, Hueto F, Puig S, Malvehy J, Vilaplana V. Uncertainty Estimation in Deep Neural Networks for Dermoscopic Image Classification. In CVPR 2020, ISIC Skin Image Analysis Workshop. 2020.
Nieto JJosé, Creus R, Giró-i-Nieto X. Unsupervised Skill-Discovery and Skill-Learning in Minecraft. In ICML 2021 Workshop on Unsupervised Reinforcement Learning (URL). 2021.  (5.67 MB)
Abad A, Canton-Ferrer C, Canton-Ferrer C, Segura C, Landabaso J-L, Macho D, et al.. UPC Audio, Video and Multimodal Person Tracking Systems in the CLEAR Evaluation Campaign. In CLEAR'06 Evaluation Campaign and Workshop - Classification of Events, Activities and Relationships. 2006. pp. 93–104.
Abad A, Canton-Ferrer C, Canton-Ferrer C, Segura C, Landabaso J-L, Macho D, et al.. UPC Audio, Video and Multimodal Person Tracking Systems in the CLEAR Evaluation Campaign. In CLEAR'06 Evaluation Campaign and Workshop - Classification of Events, Activities and Relationships. 2006. pp. 93–104.
Abad A, Canton-Ferrer C, Canton-Ferrer C, Segura C, Landabaso J-L, Macho D, et al.. UPC Audio, Video and Multimodal Person Tracking Systems in the CLEAR Evaluation Campaign. In CLEAR'06 Evaluation Campaign and Workshop - Classification of Events, Activities and Relationships. 2006. pp. 93–104.
India M, Martí G, Cotillas C, Bouritsas G, Sayrol E, Morros JR, et al.. UPC System for the 2016 MediaEval Multimodal Person Discovery in Broadcast TV task. In MediaEval 2016 Workshop. Hilversum, The Netherlands; 2016.  (174.87 KB)
Marcotegui B, Correia P, Marqués F, Mech R, Rosa R, Wollborn M, et al.. A video generation tool allowing friendly user interaction. In 1999 IEEE INternational Conference on Image Processing. 1999.
López-Méndez A, Canton-Ferrer C, Casas J. Virtual view appearance representation for human motion analysis in multi-view environments. In 18th European Signal Processing Conference. 2010. pp. 959–963.
López-Méndez A, Canton-Ferrer C, Casas J. Virtual view appearance representation for human motion analysis in multi-view environments. In 18th European Signal Processing Conference. 2010. pp. 959–963.
Canton-Ferrer C, Casas J, Pardàs M. Voxel based annealed particle filtering for markerless 3D articulated motion capture. In 3DTV Conference: The True Vision - Capture, Transmission and Display of 3D Video, 2009. 2009. pp. 1–4.
Canton-Ferrer C, Casas J, Pardàs M. Voxel based annealed particle filtering for markerless 3D articulated motion capture. In 3DTV Conference: The True Vision - Capture, Transmission and Display of 3D Video, 2009. 2009. pp. 1–4.
Salvador J, Casas J. Voxelització Adaptada a les Imatges en Entorns Multicàmera. In 2ones Jornades UPC de Investigación en Automática, Visión y Robótica. 2006. pp. 1–6.
Puch S, Aduriz A, Casamitjana A, Vilaplana V, Gispert JD. Voxelwise nonlinear regression toolbox for neuroimage analysis: Application to aging and neurodegenerative disease modeling. In NIPS 2016 Workshop on Machine Learning for Health. 2016.  (1.6 MB)
López-Palma M, Morros JR, Gago J, Corbalán M. Who watches the watchers? Quality control of the human inspection in production lines using Visual Intensity of Attention. In SAAEI 2018. Barcelona; 2018.  (593.55 KB)
