GPI Seminar Series: Amaia Salvador

Amaia Salvador

Amaia Salvador, Image Processing Group, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya
Convolutional Features for Instance Search (ICMR & CVPRW 2016)

Tuesday  May 3rd, 12h, Room D5-010

Image representations derived from pre-trained Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) have become the new state of the art in computer vision tasks such as instance retrieval.  This work proposes a simple pipeline for encoding the local activations of a convolutional layer of a pre-trained CNN using the well-known bag of words aggregation scheme (BoW). Assigning each local array of activations in a convolutional layer to a visual word produces an assignment map, a compact representation that relates regions of an image with a visual word. We use the assignment map for fast spatial reranking, obtaining object localizations that are used for query expansion. We further investigate the potential of using convolutional features from an object detection network such as Faster R-CNN, which allows to obtain image- and region- wise features in a single forward pass. We demonstrate the suitability of such representations for image retrieval on the Oxford Buildings 5k, Paris Buildings 6k and a subset of TRECVid Instance Search 2013, achieving competitive results. This talk will review the two publications related to this work, which have been recently accepted at ICMR 2016 and DeepVision CVPRW 2016.


Short Bio:

Amaia Salvador is a PhD Candidate at Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya under the advisement of Professor Xavier Giró and Professor Ferran Marqués. She obtained her B.S. in Audiovisual Systems Engineering from Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya in 2013, after completing her thesis in interactive object segmentation at the ENSEEIHT Engineering School in Toulouse (France). She also holds a M.S. in Computer Vision from Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. During the Summer of 2014, she joined the Insight Centre for Data Analytics in the Dublin City University (Ireland), where she worked on her master thesis on visual instance retrieval. Her current research focuses in computer vision, multimedia retrieval and object detection. In the Spring of 2015, she visited the National Institute of Informatics in Tokyo (Japan).



2016-05-Seminar-AmaiaSalvador-DeepVision from Image Processing Group on Vimeo.






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