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Cultural Event Recognition with Visual ConvNets and Temporal Models. In CVPR ChaLearn Looking at People Workshop 2015. 2015. (1.09 MB)
. Low computational cost algorithms for photo clustering and mail signature detection in the cloud. . 2014.
. Photo Clustering of Social Events by Extending PhotoTOC to a Rich Context. In ICMR 2014 Workshop on Social Events in Web Multimedia (SEWM). Glasgow, Scotland: ACM; 2014. (1.66 MB)
. UPC at MediaEval 2014 Social Event Detection Task. In MediaEval 2014 Workshop. Barcelona: CEUR Workshop Proceedings; 2014. (112.06 KB)
. UPC at MediaEval 2013 Social Event Detection Task. In MediaEval 2013 Workshop. Barcelona, Catalonia: CEUR Workshop Proceedings; 2013. (3.65 MB)