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Bernardin K, Stiefelhagen R, Pnevmatikakis A, Lanz O, Brutti A, Casas J, et al.. Person Tracking. In Computers in the human interaction loop. London: Springer; 2009. pp. 11–22.
Waibel A, Stiefelhagen R, Carlson R, Casas J, Kleindienst J, Lamel L, et al.. Computers in the Human Interaction Loop. In Handbook on Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments (AISE). Boston, MA: Springer; 2010. pp. 1071–1116.
Mostefa D, Moreau N, Choukri K, Potamianos G, Chu S, Tyagi A, et al.. The CHIL Audiovisual Corpus for Lecture and Meeting Analysis inside Smart Rooms. Language resources and evaluation. 2007;41(3):389–407.