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Comparing Fixed and Adaptive Computation Time for Recurrent Neural Network. In International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR). Vancouver, Canada; 2018. (515.54 KB)
. A compact 3D representation for multi-view video. In 2011 International Conference on 3D Imaging. 2011. pp. 1–8. (4.14 MB)
. Collaborative voting of 3D features for robust gesture estimation. In International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing. New Orleans, USA; 2017. (605.86 KB)
. Co-filtering human interaction and object segmentation. . 2015. (1.82 MB)
. Co-filtering human interaction and object segmentation. . 2015. (1.82 MB)
. Co-filtering human interaction and object segmentation. . 2015. (1.82 MB)
. Coding of significant features in very low bit-rate video systems. In SPIE'S Visual Communications'94. 1994. pp. 73–85.
. Coding of details in very low bit-rate video systems. IEEE transactions on circuits and systems for video technology. 1994;4(3):317–327. (1.51 MB)
. Codificacion run-length de imagenes de detalle. In VIII Simposium Nacional de la Unión Científica Internacional de Radio. 1993. pp. 349–399.
. Clustering and Prediction of Adjective-Noun Pairs for Affective Computing. . 2016. (10.38 MB)
. Clustering and Prediction of Adjective-Noun Pairs for Affective Computing. . 2016. (10.38 MB)
. A closed-loop approach for tracking a humanoid robot using particle filtering and depth data. Intelligent Service Robotics. 2017;10(4):297–312. (88.92 KB)
. A closed-loop approach for tracking a humanoid robot using particle filtering and depth data. Intelligent Service Robotics. 2017;10(4):297–312. (88.92 KB)
. Click’n’Cut: Crowdsourced Interactive Segmentation with Object Candidates. In 3rd International ACM Workshop on Crowdsourcing for Multimedia (CrowdMM). Orlando, Florida (USA); 2014. (1017.73 KB)
. Click’n’Cut: Crowdsourced Interactive Segmentation with Object Candidates. In 3rd International ACM Workshop on Crowdsourcing for Multimedia (CrowdMM). Orlando, Florida (USA); 2014. (1017.73 KB)
. . . The CHIL Audiovisual Corpus for Lecture and Meeting Analysis inside Smart Rooms. Language resources and evaluation. 2007;41(3):389–407.
. The CHIL Audiovisual Corpus for Lecture and Meeting Analysis inside Smart Rooms. Language resources and evaluation. 2007;41(3):389–407.
. The CHIL Audiovisual Corpus for Lecture and Meeting Analysis inside Smart Rooms. Language resources and evaluation. 2007;41(3):389–407.
. The CHIL Audiovisual Corpus for Lecture and Meeting Analysis inside Smart Rooms. Language resources and evaluation. 2007;41(3):389–407.
. Characteristic Brain Volumetric Changes in the AD Preclinical Signature. In Alzheimer's Association International Conference. Chicago, USA; 2018.
. Characteristic Brain Volumetric Changes in the AD Preclinical Signature. Alzheimer's & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer's Association. 2018;14(7):P1235.
. Characteristic Brain Volumetric Changes in the AD Preclinical Signature. In Alzheimer's Association International Conference. Chicago, USA; 2018.
. Character recognition and document analysis by morphological techniq. In MATHEMATICAL MORPHOLOGY. 1993. pp. 198–203.