Supervised Evaluation of Image Segmentation
Resource Type | Date |
Software | 2013-06-24 |
UPDATE: The new version of the project page and code can be found here: Check it out!
Code package that implements the image segmentation measures and reproduces all results from the CVPR2013 paper:
Measures and Meta-Measures for the Supervised Evaluation of Image Segmentation
Jordi Pont-Tuset and Ferran Marques, CVPR 2013.
This package allows you to easily evaluate your segmentation method using the precision-recall for boundaries and the new precision-recall for objects and parts:
To download the package click on the icon (or github page) and follow the instructions in the readme file:
To fully reproduce the results from scratch, you need to download the partitions obtained by six state-of-the-art segmentation methods and put them in a folder "datasets" inside the SEISM folder. Click on the icon to download these datasets (572MB):
Specifically, the dataset contains the following pre-computed partitions on the full BSDS500 segmentation database:
- Ultrametric Contour Maps (Arbelaez et al.TPAMI 2011)
- Normalized Cuts (Shi & Malik, TPAMI 2000)
- Mean Shift (Comaniciu & Meer, TPAMI 2002)
- Efficient Graph-Based Image Segmentation (Felzenszwalb & Huttenlocher, IJCV 2004)
- NWMC Binary Partition Tree (Vilaplana et al. TIP 2008)
- IID-KL Binary Partition Tree (Calderero & Marques, TIP 2010)
Enjoy! And please cite the paper if you use the code or datasets.
People involved
Jordi Pont-Tuset | PhD Candidate |
Ferran Marqués | Professor |
Related Publications
“Image Segmentation Evaluation and Its Application to Object Detection”, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, BarcelonaTech, Barcelona, 2014. (48.44 MB) | ,
“Measures and Meta-Measures for the Supervised Evaluation of Image Segmentation”, in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2013. (909.27 KB) | ,