Success at CVPR workshops: Junting Pan and Xavier Giro awarded in the LSUN challenge. ChaLearn prize also collected

LSUN award collected by X.Giró and Junting Pan ChaLearn Cultural Event Recognition 2015

Junting Pan and Xavier Giro Winners of the saliency prediction task in the Large-scale Scene Understanding Challenge (LSUN) hold at the related workshop in CVPR 2015. See the project page for technical info.

2nd prize in the ChaLearn Looking at People 2015 Cultural Event Recognition challenge, awarded tp our joint team with FH St. Pölten (Austria) also collected at CVPR 2015. Check all the details and download the software from our project site.


LSUN award collected by X.Giró: LSUN award collected by X.Giró and Junting Pan 

ChaLearn Cultural Event Recognition 2015: ChaLearn Cultural Event Recognition 2015