PhD thesis defense: Carles Ventura

Carles Ventura Carles Ventura, defends his PhD thesis entitled Visual Object Analysis using Regions and Local Features
Friday July 8th, 10h, Aula Merit, D5 building, D5-010

Dissertation summary:

The first part of this dissertation focuses on an analysis of the spatial context in semantic image segmentation. First, we review how spatial context has been tackled in the literature by local features and spatial aggregation techniques. From a discussion about whether the context is bene ficial or not for object recognition, we extend a Figure-Border-Ground segmentation for local feature aggregation with ground truth annotations to a more realistic scenario where object proposals techniques are used instead. Whereas the Figure and Ground regions represent the object and the surround respectively, the Border is a region around the object contour, which is found to be the region with the richest contextual information for object recognition. Furthermore, we propose a new contour-based spatial aggregation technique of the local features within the object region by a division of the region into four subregions. Both contributions have been tested on a semantic segmentation benchmark with a combination of free and non-free context local features that allows the models automatically learn whether the context is benefi cial or not for each semantic category.

The second part of this dissertation addresses the semantic segmentation for a set of closely-related images from an uncalibrated multiview scenario. State-of-the-art semantic segmentation algorithms fail on correctly segmenting the objects from some viewpoints when the techniques are independently applied to each viewpoint image. The lack of large annotations available for multiview segmentation do not allow to obtain a proper model that is robust to viewpoint changes. In this second part, we exploit the spatial correlation that exists between the di erent viewpoints images to obtain a more robust semantic segmentation. First, we review the state-of-the-art co-clustering, co-segmentation and video segmentation techniques that aim to segment the set of images in a generic way, i.e. without considering semantics. Then, a new architecture that considers motion information and provides a multiresolution segmentation is proposed for the co-clustering framework and outperforms state-of-the-art techniques for generic multiview segmentation. Finally, the proposed multiview segmentation is combined with the semantic segmentation results giving a method for automatic resolution selection and a coherent semantic multiview segmentation.