GPI Seminar Series: Ignacio Bosch

Ignacio Bosch, Study and Applications of Efficient Multiview Search through Epipolar Geometry
Thursday July 26th, at 11:00, Multimedia Room B3 building (level -2)

Recent research on the image analysis field has been focused on using the redudancy of data present in a single image to solve various image processing problems. The analysis of multi-view scenarios has been set aside, although these environments present interesting geometrical properties that can be used to determine the location of similar regions among other images, which could enhance the results present in just the image itself. In this thesis we propose a geometrical and generalizable prior to efficiently exploit the redundancy of data in multi-view settings by determining suitable search regions with epipolar lines. A search algorithm to effectively apply the mentioned prior is also presented, along with its performance to solve different image processing applications.