GPI Seminar Series: Amaia Salvador

Amaia Salvador, Crowdsourced Object Segmentation with a Game 
Friday July 12th, at 12:00, Seminar Room D5-007

We introduce a new algorithm for image segmentation based on crowdsourcing through a game : Ask’nSeek. The game provides information on the objects of an image, under the form of clicks that are either on the object, or on the background. These logs are then used in order to determine the best segmentation for an object among a set of candidates generated by the state-of-the-art CPMC algorithm. We also introduce a simulator that allows the generation of game logs and therefore gives insight about the number of games needed on an image to perform acceptable segmentation.

This work has been developed as Amaia's bachelor thesis at INP Toulouse, under the co-direction of Prof. Vincent Charvillat and Axel Carlier, as well as Prof. Oge Marques (Florida Atlantic University) and Xavier Giró-i-Nieto (UPC). It has been submitted to the Crowdsourced MultiMedia Workshop (CrowdMM) that will be hold in ACM MultiMedia Barcelona 2013.