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Meyer F, Oliveras A, Salembier P, Vachier C. Morphological tools for segmentation: connected operators and watersheds. Annales des télecommunications. Annals of telecommunications. 1997;52:366–379.
Salembier P, Meyer F, Brigger P, Bouchard L. Morphological operators for very low bit rate video coding. In IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, ICIP 1996. Lausanne, Switzerland; 1996. pp. 659–662.  (201.44 KB)
Marqués F, Meyer F, Pardàs M, Salembier P. General requirements for coding oriented segmentation of video sequences. Annales des télecommunications. Annals of telecommunications. 1997;52:359–366.
Marcotegui B, Marqués F, Meyer F. Allowing content-based functionalities in segmentation-based coding schemes. Annales des télecommunications. Annals of telecommunications. 1997;52:398–407.