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A Preliminary Study of Deep Learning Sensor Fusion for Pedestrian Detection. Sensors. 2023;23(8).
. Gradient-Based Metrics for the Evaluation of Image Defogging. World Electric Vehicle Journal. 2023;14(9). (4.92 MB)
. Geometric Model and Calibration Method for a Solid-State LiDAR. Sensors. 2020;20(10):2898.
. Self-registered lidar and polarimetric images in real-time: application to detection of small objects at sea. In 7th Workshop on Active Imaging. Saint-Louis, France: French-German Research Institute of Saint-Louis (ISL); 2019.
. Multimodal solid-state LiDAR for advanced perception applications. In OPTOEL. 2021.
. Multimodal imaging System based on sòlid-State LiDAR for Advanced perception applications. In 10th International Symposium on Optronics in defence & security. Versailles, France: 3AF OPTRO2022; 2022.