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Face location and recognition for video indexing in the Hypermedia project. In European Conference on Multimedia Applications, Services and Techniques. 1999. pp. 364–377.
. Prediction error image coding using a modified stochastic vector quantization scheme. In IEEE International Conference on Image Processing. 1996. pp. 451–454.
. Face Location and Recognition for Video Indexing in the Hypermedia Project. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 1999.
. Video Clustering Using Camera Motion. . 2013. (8.87 MB)
. Wav2Pix: Enhancement and Evaluation of a Speech-conditioned Image Generator. . 2019. (9.65 MB)
. Edge Projections for Eye Localization. Optical engineering. 2008;47:1–6.
. Human eye localization using edge projections. In International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications, VISAPP 2007. 2007. pp. 410–415.