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Conference Paper
McGuinness K, Mohedano E, Zhang ZX, Hu F, Albatal R, Gurrin C, et al.. Insight Centre for Data Analytics (DCU) at TRECVid 2014: Instance Search and Semantic Indexing Tasks. In 2014 TRECVID Workshop. Orlando, Florida (USA): National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST); 2014.  (2.45 MB)
McGuinness K, Mohedano E, Salvador A, Zhang ZX, Marsden M, Wang P, et al.. Insight DCU at TRECVID 2015. In TRECVID 2015 Workshop. Gaithersburg, MD, USA: NIST; 2015.  (2.13 MB)
Alsina A, Giró-i-Nieto X, Gurrin C. An Interactive Lifelog Search Engine for LSC2018. In Lifelog Search Challenge workshop at ICMR2018. Yokohama, Japan: ACM; 2018.  (584.27 KB)
Casanova A, Pujol-Miró A, Ruiz-Hidalgo J, Casas J. Interactive Registration Method for 3D data Fusion. In IC3D. Liège, Belgium: IEEE; 2016.  (2.04 MB)
Giró-i-Nieto X, Martos M. Interactive segmentation and tracking of video objects. In Image Analysis for Multimedia Interactive Services (WIAMIS), 2012 13th International Workshop on. Dublin, Ireland: IEEE; 2012.  (1.05 MB)
Marqués F, Bouchard L, Corset I, Jeannin S, Morros JR, Pardàs M, et al.. Interleaved segmentation and motion estimation by means of morphological tools. In Workshop on Image Analysis and Synthesis in Image Coding. Berlin, Germany; 1994.
Marqués F, Llorens B, Gasull A. Interpolation and extrapolation of iomage partitions using fourier descriptions: to segmentation-based coding schemes. In IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON IMAGE PROCESSING'95. 1995. pp. 584–587.
Hernandez C, Pachón-García C, Delicado P, Vilaplana V. Interpreting Machine Learning models for Survival Analysis: A study of Cutaneous Melanoma using the SEER Database. In XAI-Healthcare 2023 Workshop at 21st International Conference of Artificial Intelligence in Medicine (AIME 2023). Portoroz, Slovenia; 2023.
Salvador A, Drozdzal M, Giró-i-Nieto X, Romero A. Inverse Cooking: Recipe Generation from Food Images. In CVPR. Long Beach, CA, USA: OpenCVF / IEEE; 2019.
