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An Interactive Lifelog Search Engine for LSC2018. In Lifelog Search Challenge workshop at ICMR2018. Yokohama, Japan: ACM; 2018. (584.27 KB)
. An interactive Lifelog Search Engine for LSC2018. . 2018. (2.75 MB)
. The impact of visual saliency prediction in image classification. . 2017. (828.66 KB)
. Identifying the best machine learning algorithms for brain tumor segmentation, progression assessment, and overall survival prediction in the BRATS challenge. In MICCAI - Multimodal Brain Tumor Segmentation Challenge. 2018.
. Image and Video Object Segmentation in Low Supervision Scenarios. . Computer Architectures. [Barcelona]: Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya; 2021.
. Improved Neural Network Generalization using Channel-Wise NNK Graph Constructions. . Final Year Project, UPC; 2021. (3.67 MB)
. Implementation and first results of the Introduction to Engineering course in the ETSETB-UPC new degrees. In II Conferencia Internacional en Fomento e Innovación con Nuevas Tecnologías en la Docencia de la Ingeniería. 2011. pp. 1–4.
. Improving Detection of Acoustic Events Using Audiovisual Data and Feature Level Fusion. In 10th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association. 2009. pp. 1147–1150.
. Inclusion of video information for detection of acoustic events using the fuzzy integral. In Machine Learning for Multimodal Interaction: 5th International Workshop. 2008. pp. 74–85.
. Information Theoretical Region Merging Approaches and Fusion of Hierarchical Image Segmentation Results. . Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC); 2010. (57.57 MB)
. Image Analysis and Understanding Based on Information Theoretical Region Merging Approaches for Segmentation and Cooperative Fusion. In Handbook of Research on Computational Intelligence for Engineering, Science, and Business. IGI Global; 2012. pp. 75-121.
. Identifying brain ageing trajectories using variational autoencoders with regression model in neuroimaging data stratified by sex and validated against dementia-related risk factors. In 7th International Workshop on PRedictive Intelligence in MEdicine, MICCAI 2024. In Press.
. Importance Weighted Evolution Strategies. In NeurIPS 2018 Deep Reinforcement Learning Workshop . Montreal, Quebec; 2018. (362.25 KB)
. Image and video processing tools for HCI. In Multimodal signal processing: theory and applications for human-computer interaction. 2009. pp. 93–118.
. Interactive Registration Method for 3D data Fusion. In IC3D. Liège, Belgium: IEEE; 2016. (2.04 MB)
. Image compression based on perceptual coding techniques. . Signal Theory and Communications. [download link]: Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC); 1996. p. 178.
. Image-based Multi-view Scene Analysis using 'Conexels'. In HCSNet Workshop on the Use of Vision in Human-Computer Interaction (VisHCI 2006). 2006. pp. 203–212. (252 KB)
. Integrating low-level motion cues in deep video saliency. . 2019. (10.04 MB)
. The Importance of Time in Visual Attention Models. . 2018. (5.46 MB)
. Interfaz gráfica de usuario para la búsqueda de imágenes basada en imágenes. . 2009. (2.84 MB)
. Introduction to the special issue: Egocentric Vision and Lifelogging. Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation. 2018;. (116.21 KB)
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