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Description Schemes for Video Programs, Users and Devices. Signal processing: image communication. 2000;16:211–234. (879.4 KB)
. Hierarchical visual description schemes for still images and video sequences. In 1999 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, ICIP 1999. Kobe, Japan; 1999. (375.21 KB)
. An overview of MPEG-7 Multimedia Description Schemes and of future visual information analysis challenges for content-based indexing. In International Workshop on Content-Based Multimedia Indexing, CBMI 2001. Brescia, Italy; 2001. (547.95 KB)
. Object-based image coding with morphological segmentation and efficient contour coding. In IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, ICSP'93. Beijing, China; 1993.
. Operateur connexe et arbre des coupes. In Morphologie mathématique 1: approches deterministes. L. Najman and H. Talbot (Eds.). Hermes, Lavoisier; 2008. pp. 151–172.
. Adaptation of grey level structuring elements for morphological filters with application to shape detection. In VI European Signal Processing Conference, EUSIPCO'92. Brussels, Belgium; 1992. pp. 1137–1140.
. Segmented Picture Coding Method and System and Corresponding Decoding Method and System. 1996. (2.27 MB)
. Low-level processing of PolSAR images with binary partition trees. In IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2014. Quebec, Canada: IEEE; 2014. (1.9 MB)
. Visual Segment Tree Creation for MPEG-7 Description Schemes. In IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, ICME'2000 . New York City, NY, USA; 2000. pp. 56–61. (442.13 KB)
. Visual Segment Tree Creation for MPEG-7 Description Schemes. Pattern recognition. 2002;35:563–579. (1.14 MB)
. Connected Operators Based on Reconstruction Process for Size and Motion Simplification. In IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, ICASSP 2002. Orlando, USA; 2002. (151.7 KB)
. Practical extensions of connected operators. In International Symposium on Mathematical Morphology, ISMM 1996. Atlanta (GA), USA; 1996. pp. 97–110. (368.26 KB)
. Motion compensated partition coding. In SPIE Visual Communication and Image Processing, VCIP'96. Orlando, Florida, USA; 1996. pp. 403–415. (216.93 KB)
. Connected operators based on region-tree pruning strategies. In 15th IAPR International Conference on Pattern Recognition, ICPR 2000. Barcelona, Spain; 2000. pp. 371–374. (352.94 KB)
. . Size-sensitive multiresolution decomposition of images with rank. Signal processing. 1992;27:205–241.
. Morphological operators for very low bit rate video coding. In IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, ICIP 1996. Lausanne, Switzerland; 1996. pp. 659–662. (201.44 KB)
. An overview of the MPEG-7 standard and of future challenges for visual information analysis. In Workshop on Image Analysis for Multimedia Services, WIAMIS 2001. Tampere, Finland; 2001. (336.85 KB)
. Hierarchical morphological segmentation for image sequence coding. IEEE transactions on image processing. 1994;3:639–651.
. Study of Binary Partition Tree Pruning Techniques for Polarimetric SAR images. In International Symposium on Mathematical Morphology, ISMM 2015. Reykjavik, Iceland: Springer; 2015. (2.52 MB)
. Connected operators based on tree pruning strategies. In Mathematical morphology from theories to applications. L. Najman and H. Talbot (Eds.). Wiley; 2010.
. Multi-criterion segmentation for image coding. In International Symposium on Mathematical Morphology and its applications to image and signal processing, ISMM 1993. Barcelona, Spain; 1993. pp. 40–45.
. Optimum Graph-Cuts for Pruning Binary Partition Trees of Polarimetric SAR images. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. 2016;54(9):5493 – 5502. (3.42 MB)
. Morphological detection based on size and contrast criteria. In 14th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Paris, France; 1992. pp. 1930–1031.
. Binary partition tree as an efficient representation for image processing, segmentation and information retrieval. IEEE transactions on image processing. 2000;9:561–576. (762.82 KB)