Search Publication
Facial Feature Segmentation from Frontal View Images. In 11th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO 2002). 2002. pp. 33–36.
. On Filters by Reconstruction for Size and Motion Simplification,. In Int. Symposium on Mathematical Morphology, ISMM 2002. Sydney, Australia; 2002. pp. 425–434. (244.7 KB)
. A framework for the retrieval of multiple regions using Binary Partition Trees and low level descriptors. In 11th European Signal Processing Conference, EUSIPCO 2002. Toulouse, France; 2002. pp. 512–516. (277.78 KB)
. Graphical study of signals and systems. In 14th annual World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications. 2002.
. Hierarchical Region Based Processing of Images and Video Sequences: Application to Filtering, Segmentation and Information Retrieval. . Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC); 2002.
. . MPEG-7 Descriptors for Earth Observation Satellites. In International Astronautical Congress. Houston, Texas (USA): Inernational Astronautical Federation; 2002. pp. 1–4. (267.36 KB)
. Object matching based on partition information. In IEEE International Conference on Image Processing. 2002. pp. 829–832. (317.46 KB)
. Objective evaluation criteria for 2-D shape estimation results of moving objects. Eurasip Journal on Applied Signal Processing. 2002;2002:401–409.
. Oil Spills Detection in SAR Images using Mathematical Morphology. In 11th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO 2002). 2002. pp. 25–28.
. Overview of MPEG-7 multimedia description schemes and schema tools. In Introduction to the mpeg-7: multimedia content description interface. B. S. Manjunath, P. Salembier, T. Sikora (Eds.). Wiley; 2002. pp. 83–94.
. Overview of the MPEG-7 Standard and of Future Challenges for Visual Information Analysis. EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing. 2002;4:1–11. (415.4 KB)
. . Systems Architecture. In Introduction to the mpeg-7: multimedia content description interface. B. S. Manjunath, P. Salembier, T. Sikora (Eds.). Wiley; 2002. pp. 33–42.
. Visual Segment Tree Creation for MPEG-7 Description Schemes. Pattern recognition. 2002;35:563–579. (1.14 MB)
. Color Inititialization for Lip Tracking. In International Conference on Augmented, Virtual Environments and 3D Imaging. 2001. pp. 351–354.
. Estudio de campos de golf mediante técnicas de segmentación. In IX Congreso Nacional de Teledetección. Lleida, Spain; 2001. (130.37 KB)
. Facial Animation Parameters extraction and Expression detection using HMM. In International Conference on Augmented, Virtual Environments and 3D Imaging. 2001. pp. 120–123.
. Facial Parameter Extraction System based on Active Contours. In IEEE International Conference on Image Processing. 2001. pp. 1058–1061.
. Graphical Study of Signals and Systems. In International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing ICASSP'01. 2001.
. Join detection and segmentation of human faces in color images. In International Conference on Augmented, Virtual Environments and 3D Imaging. 2001. pp. 347–350.
. Morphological tools for robust key-region extraction and video shot modeling. Lecture notes in computer science. 2001;:407–416. (1.08 MB)
. Motion estimation based tracking of active contours. Pattern recognition letters. 2001;22:1447–1456.
. MPEG-7 Description Schemes. IEEE transactions on circuits and systems for video technology. 2001;11:748–759. (275.76 KB)
. MPEG-7 Systems: overview. IEEE transactions on circuits and systems for video technology. 2001;11:760–764. (94.51 KB)