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Reconstruction of 3D shapes considering inconsistent 2D silhouettes. In International Conference on Image Processing. 2006. pp. 1–4.
. Rotating convection: Eckhauss-Benjamin-Feir instability. In 59th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics. 2006. pp. 2004–2004.
. Solucions de programari lliure en un projecte d'adaptació de dades a XML. In V Jornades de Programari Lliure de la UPC. 2006.
. On the Synergy between indexing and compression representations for video sequences. . Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC); 2006. (4.35 MB)
. UPC Audio, Video and Multimodal Person Tracking Systems in the CLEAR Evaluation Campaign. In CLEAR'06 Evaluation Campaign and Workshop - Classification of Events, Activities and Relationships. 2006. pp. 93–104.
. On the use of indexing metadata to improve the efficiency of video compression. IEEE transactions on circuits and systems for video technology. 2006;16:410–419. (485.83 KB)
. Voxelització Adaptada a les Imatges en Entorns Multicàmera. In 2ones Jornades UPC de Investigación en Automática, Visión y Robótica. 2006. pp. 1–6.
. Adaptive Generalized Prediction for Lifting Schemes. In IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, ICASSP 2005. Philadelphia, USA; 2005. pp. 205–208. (231 KB)
. Automatic extraction and analysis of visual objects information. In Multimedia content and the semantic web. Wiley; 2005. pp. 203–221.
. Automatic tool for the precise detection of upwelling and filaments in remote sensing imagery. IEEE transactions on geoscience and remote sensing. 2005;43:1605–1616.
. Collaborative Network Space: Infrastructure and Learning Application. In IEEE Region 8 EUROCON 2005 Conference: Computer as a tool. 2005. pp. 803–806.
. Detection of Semantic Objects using Description Graphs. In IEEE International Conference on Image Processing. Genova, Italy; 2005. (743.52 KB)
. Development of a platform offering video copyright protection and security against illegal distribution. In Security, Steganography, and Watermarking of Multimedia Contents. 2005. pp. 76–83.
. El concepto NetCampus. In 3es Jornadas de la Cátedra Telefónica-UPC. 2005. pp. 15–20.
. . Foreground Regions Extraction and Characterization Towards Real-Time Object Tracking. In 2nd Joint Workshop on Multimodal Interaction and Related Machine Learning Algorithms. 2005. pp. 241–249.
. Functionalities for mapping 2D images and 3D world objects in a Multicamera Environment. In 6th International Workshop on Image Analysis for Multimedia Interactive Services. 2005. (198.67 KB)
. Fusion of multiple viewpoint information towards 3d face robust orientation detection. In IEEE International Conference on Image Processing. 2005.
. Hierarchical Representation of Scenes using Activity Information. In 2005 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing. 2005. pp. 677–680.
. Las Mancomunidades en España. Boletí de la Asociación de Geógrafos Españoles. 2005;:151–176.
. A Motion-based Binary Partition Tree approach to Video Object Segmentation. In IEEE International Conference on Image Processing. 2005. pp. 430–433.
. Multimedia Copyright Protection Platform Demonstrator. In Lecture notes in computer science. 2005. pp. 76–83.
. Multimedia copyright protection platform demonstrator. In Third International Conference on Trust Management (iTrust'05). 2005. pp. 411–414.
. Mutual feedback scheme for face detection and tracking aimed at density estimation in demonstrations. IEE Proceedings-Vision, Image and Signal Processing. 2005;152(3):334–346.
. Object representation using colour, shape and structure criteria in a Binary Partition Tree. In IEEE International Conference on Image Processing. 2005.