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Hierarchical Partition-Based Representations of Motion-Coherent Regions For Video Object Segmentation. . Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC); 2007.
. Hierarchical partition-based representations for image sequences using trajectory merging criteria. In 2007 International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing. 2007.
. Hierarchical Object Detection with Deep Reinforcement Learning. In Deep Learning for Image Processing Applications. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: IOS Press; 2017.
. Hierarchical Object Detection with Deep Reinforcement Learning. In Deep Reinforcement Learning Workshop, NIPS 2016. 2016. (877.51 KB)
. Hierarchical Navigation and Visual Search for Video Keyframe Retrieval. In Advances in Multimedia Modeling. Springer Berlin / Heidelberg; 2012. pp. 652-654.
. Hierarchical morphological segmentation for image sequence coding. IEEE transactions on image processing. 1994;3:639–651.
. Hierarchical information representation and efficient classification of gene expression microarray data. . TSC. [Barcelona]: Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya; 2014. p. 150. (2.76 MB)
. Hierarchical image sequence model for segmentation: application to region-based sequence coding. In VISUAL COMMUNICATION AND IMAGE PROCESSING. 1994. pp. 554–563.
. Hierarchical fusion of color and depth information at partition level by cooperative region merging. In IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing 2009. 2009. pp. 973–976.
. Hierarchical Clustering Combining Numerical and Biological Similarities for Gene Expression Data Classification. In 35th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC’13) . Osaka, Japan: IEEE EMBS; 2013. (435.72 KB)
. Hierarchical analysis of remote sensing data: morphological attribute profiles and binary partition trees. In International Symposium on Mathematical Morphology 2011. Intra, Lake Maggiore, Italy; 2011. pp. 306–319. (394.77 KB)
. Hiding Images in their Spoken Narratives. . 2022. (15.23 MB)
. Head Pose Detection based on Fusion of Multiple Viewpoint Information. In CLEAR'06 Evaluation Campaign and Workshop - Classification of Events, Activities and Relationships. 2006. pp. 305–310.
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. Head Orientation Estimation using Particle Filtering in Multiview Scenarios. In CLEAR'07 Second International Evaluation Workshop on Classification of Events, Activities and Relationships. 2007. pp. 1–11.
. Head Orientation Estimation Using Particle Filtering in Multiview Scenarios. In Multimodal Technologies for Perception of Humans. Berlin / Heidelberg: Springer; 2008. pp. 317–327.
. Hate Speech in Pixels: Detection of Offensive Memes towards Automatic Moderation. In NeurIPS 2019 Workshop on AI for Social Good. Vancouver, Canada; 2019. (1.91 MB)
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. Half Hypersphere Confinement for Piecewise Linear Regression. In IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision. Lake Placid, NY, USA; 2016. (7.01 MB)
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. Graph Convolutional Neural Networks for 3D Data Analysis. . Signal Theory and Communications. [Barcelona]: Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya; 2023.