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Fine-tuning a Convolutional Network for Cultural Event Recognition. . 2015. (11.14 MB)
. A Generative Dialogue System for Reminiscence Therapy. . 2019. (4.89 MB)
. The Importance of Time in Visual Attention Models. . 2018. (5.46 MB)
. Integrating low-level motion cues in deep video saliency. . 2019. (10.04 MB)
. Interfaz gráfica de usuario para la búsqueda de imágenes basada en imágenes. . 2009. (2.84 MB)
. Layer-wise CNN Surgery for Visual Sentiment Prediction. . 2015. (1.51 MB)
. Learning to Skip State Updates in Recurrent Neural Networks. . 2017. (961.49 KB)
. Learning to Skip State Updates in Recurrent Neural Networks. . 2017. (961.49 KB)
. Multi-label Remote Sensing Image Retrieval based on Deep Features. . 2017. (1.99 MB)
. Multimodal Hate Speech Detection in Memes. . 2019. (1.66 MB)
. PixInPix: Hidding Pixels in Pixels. . 2020. (2.13 MB)
. Predicting Media Interestingness. . 2017. (1.78 MB)
. . . Rich Internet Application for the Semi-Automatic Annotation of Semantic Shots on Keyframes. . 2011. (6.58 MB)
. Sign-Language Translation with Pseudo-Glosses. 2022. (7.51 MB)
. Sistema de gestió de vídeo off-line per una smart-room. . 2007. (4.54 MB)
. . Tweet@TV: Televisió social en 140 caràcters. . 2010. (6.63 MB)
. Unsupervised skill learning from pixels. . 2021. (19.61 MB)
. Video Retrieval of Specific Persons in Specific Locations. . 2016. (17.14 MB)
. Video Understanding through the Disentanglement of Appearance and Motion. . 2018. (1.06 MB)
. Visual Memorability for Egocentric Cameras. . 2016. (98.86 MB)
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