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Real-time head and hand tracking based on 2.5D data. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia . 2012;14(3):575-585 . (4.88 MB)
. Real-time upper body tracking with online initialization using a range sensor. In 2011 IEEE International Conference on Computer VIsion Workshops (ICCV Workshops). 2011. pp. 391–398. (912.22 KB)
. Reconstruction of 3D shapes considering inconsistent 2D silhouettes. In International Conference on Image Processing. 2006. pp. 1–4.
. Recurrent Neural Networks for Semantic Instance Segmentation. In CVPR 2018 DeepVision Workshop. 2018. (199.14 KB)
. Recurrent Neural Networks for Semantic Instance Segmentation. In ECCV 2018 Women in Computer Vision (WiCV) Workshop. 2018. (2.55 MB)
. Refinement network for unsupervised on the scene foreground segmentation. In EUSIPCO European Signal Processing Conference. European Association for Signal Processing (EURASIP); 2020.
. Region and object segmentation algorithms in the QIMERA segmentation platform. In Third International Workshop on Content-Based Multimedia Indexing. 2003. pp. 95–103.
. Region merging parameter dependency as information diversity to create sparse hierarchies of partitions. In 2010 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing. 2010. pp. 2237–2240.
. Region merging techniques using information theory statistical measures. IEEE transactions on image processing. 2010;19:1567–1586.
. Region-based annotation tool using partition trees. In International Conference on Semantic and Digital Media Technologies. Genova, Italy; 2007. pp. 3–4.
. A region-based subband coding scheme. Signal Processing: Image Communication. 1997;10(1-3):173–200.
. Registration of Images to Unorganized 3D Point Clouds Using Contour Cues. In The 25th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO 2017). Kos island, Greece: Eurasip; 2017. (3.14 MB)
. Representing and retrieving regions using binary partition trees. In 1999 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, ICIP 1999. Kobe, Japan; 1999. (140.31 KB)
. . Residual image coding using mathematical morphology. In IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing. 1994. pp. 597–600.
. Rich Internet Application for Semi-automatic Annotation of Semantic Shots on Keyframes. In Computational Intelligence for Multimedia Understanding. Pisa, Italy: Springer-Verlag; 2012. pp. 172-182. (6.93 MB)
. . SalGAN: Visual Saliency Prediction with Generative Adversarial Networks. In CVPR 2017 Scene Understanding Workshop (SUNw). Honolulu, Hawaii, USA; 2017. (1.85 MB)
. Scaling a Convolutional Neural Network for classification of Adjective Noun Pairs with TensorFlow on GPU Clusters. In 17th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing (CCGrid). Madrid, Spain: IEEE; 2017.
. Segmentation and tracking of video objects for content-based video indexing. In IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, ICME'2000. New York City, NY, USA; 2000. pp. 305–309.
. Segmentation based coding of textures using stochastic vector quantization. In IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing. 1994. pp. 553–556.
. Segmentation hyperspectrales de forets tropicales par arbres de partition binaires. Revue française de photogrammétrie et de télédétection. 2013;202(1):55-65. (2.51 MB)
. The segmentation of images via scale-space trees. In British Machine Vision Conference. Southampton, UK; 1998. pp. 33–43. (1.18 MB)
. A segmentation-based coding system allowing manipulation of objects. In IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, ICIP 1996. Lausanne, Switzerland; 1996. pp. 145–175. (245.6 KB)
. Segmentation-based Multi-Scale Edge Extraction to Measure the Persistence of Features in Unorganized Point Clouds. In International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications. Porto, Portugal; 2017. (4.3 MB)