GPI Seminar Series: Ignacio Bosch

Ignacio Bosch, Study and Applications of Efficient Multiview Search through Epipolar Geometry
Thursday July 26th, at 11:00, Multimedia Room B3 building (level -2)

GPI Seminar Series: Andreu Badal

Andreu BadalFDA (Maryland, USA), A real­time radiation dose monitoring system for patients and staff during interventional fluoroscopy using a GPU­-accelerated Monte Carlo simulator and an automatic 3D localization system based on a depth camera.
Friday May 23rd, 10h, Sala de Juntes D4-012

PhD thesis defense: Guillem Palou

Guillem Palou defends his PhD thesis entitled Monocular Depth Ordering in Images and Sequences using Occlusion Cues
Friday February 21st, 11h30, Aula de Telensenyament, B3 building, 1st floor

GPI Seminar Series: Laurent Najman

Laurent Najman, ESIEE Paris, Morphological shapings and Power watersheds
Wednesday February 20th, 15h30, Seminar Room D5-007


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